
Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Reason

Many people start a blog for several reasons. Here are my reasons

1.     Document my travels and tell your story- Since I have decided to take a step towards attaining my childhood dream of becoming a professional bass tournament fisherman,
       I feel it necessary to keep my family, friends, and sponsors abreast of what I am doing.

2.     Attract others who are passionate about a topic The more the better.

3.     Contribute my knowledge- I would like for others who are interested in my subjects to join in no matter their skill level.

4.      Give back to my profession- In writing this my hope is that I will be showing people whose paths I have followed or crossed will see what an impact they have had on me.

5.     Gain Visibility- I am hoping that the more I write, the more I am visible and therefore I will be successful in this.

6.      Build a business portfolio to complement my resume- I have worked for the last several months at building a resume and fishing portfolio. Now I am adding this blog to hopefully help with #7.

7.     Find opportunities for sponsorship- The more I can put prospective sponsors names out there the better chance I have at getting them. As well as keeping them.

8.      Establish myself as a go-to resource- I would like for people to come to me for help or re-assurance in this subject. We all try new things, help along the way is critical.

9.     Showcase my sponsors- enough said.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, bet you didn't think that I would be THE FIRST to comment did you?! (ha, ha). Good 'start'.
